Updating WordPress and Plugins

WordPress is a powerful Content Management System (CMS) that is constantly evolving to enhance security, performance, and features. Regularly updating your WordPress installation and plugins is crucial to ensure the smooth operation of your website and protect it from potential security vulnerabilities. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of updating both the WordPress core and plugins, including manual updates for premium plugins.

Updating WordPress

  1. Backup your website
    Before any update, it’s essential to create a backup of your entire website. This ensures that in case anything goes wrong during the update process, you can restore your website to its previous state.
  2. Check system requirements
    Ensure that your hosting environment meets the minimum requirements for the latest version of WordPress. You can find the requirements on the official WordPress website.
  3. Automatic update
    WordPress provides an automatic update feature for the core system. When a new version is available, you’ll see a notification in your admin dashboard. Simply click on the “Update Now” button to initiate the automatic update.
  4. Manual update
    If automatic updates are not enabled on your site or if you prefer a manual update, you can download the latest version of WordPress from the official website. Extract the files and replace the existing ones in your server using an FTP client.

Updating WordPress Plugins

  1. Backup
    Before updating plugins, perform another backup to ensure you have a recent copy of your website.
  2. Update Plugins from Admin Dashboard
    Navigate to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress admin dashboard. Look for plugins with available updates, and click on the “Update Now” link. WordPress will automatically download and install the latest versions.
  3. Update Plugins manually (Free Plugins)
    If a plugin is not available in the WordPress plugin directory, you may need to update it manually. Download the latest version from the official source, deactivate the existing plugin, delete it, and then upload and activate the new version.

Manual Update for Premium Plugins

  1. Download the latest version
    For premium plugins, you typically need to download the latest version from the vendor’s website.
  2. Upload and activate
    Using an FTP client or the file manager, upload the new version of the premium plugin to the “wp-content/plugins/” directory. Once uploaded, activate the plugin from the WordPress admin dashboard.
  3. Enter License key (if applicable)
    If your premium plugin requires a license key, enter it in the plugin settings to ensure you receive updates and support.

In many instances, when you have a Premium plugin activated, updating it is as straightforward as updating any regular plugin through your WordPress dashboard.

By following these steps, you can keep your WordPress and Plugins up to date, ensuring a secure and efficient online presence. Regular maintenance is key to a successful and resilient website.

Final checks

  1. Test Your Website
    After updating WordPress and plugins, thoroughly test your website to ensure everything is functioning as expected. Check different pages, forms, and functionality to catch any issues.
  2. Stay informed
    Keep an eye on plugin developers’ announcements for updates and security patches. Staying informed helps you proactively manage your website’s security and performance.

If you find yourself unable to navigate the situation independently and require assistance, the experienced specialists at Dweet Design creative agency are ready to help you. Submit your inquiry through the Ticket System, and our agents will guide you on timelines, scope of work, and pricing.